Sundarbans Honey

Sundarban, the largest mangrove forest, is situated in the southern part of Bangladesh adjacent to the Bay of Bengal and Ganga, Brahmaputra, Meghna river delta along with the West Bengal of India. The forest covers 10,000 square kilometers, of which about 6,000 square kilometers are situated in Bangladesh. It was declared World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1997.

Sunderbans and Honey:

The majority of the Sundarban Forest lies near bodies of water, including as creeks, rivers, and canals. Ever since ancient times, residents of the Sunderbans villages have been exploring the Royal Bengal Tiger’s home, a deep mangrove forest, in order to gather honey, the region’s richest crop.

In comparison to other bee species, the apis dorsata variety produces a higher number of colonies and honey in the Sundarbans. The finest honey in the Sundarbans is supposedly the honey that is harvested from these hives. Rich in medicinal properties, this honey has a wild taste and a dark red hue.

Honey Collection:

Equipped only with a prayer to Bon Bibi (the Forest Goddess), maulis, as they are known in Bengali, frequently risk their lives during the busiest honey-collecting season. In order to collect honey, maulis (honey collectors) must obtain permissions or passes from the Forest Department. Then, in small groups, they travel by boat into the Sundarbans during the months of March through May.

Under the supervision of local government, each of these groups gathers honey from the Sundarbans in particular areas of the forest and at particular times. After chasing the bees away with smokes, they gather the honey. The Mawolis rely on selling their honey collection as a means of subsistence and to cover the costs associated with the entire operation.

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